Master of Disaster: Jess, are coyotes real?
Me: yeah, but they don't live around here so we don't need to worry (slightly a lie,but they live too close to the city for coyotes to be here)
Master of Disaster: they live in warm places. Like near volcanoes.
Me: Ummmmm......
Mof D: What do they do with the dogs they kill?
Me: What??
MofD: When they kill the dogs what do they do with them?
Me: Where did you hear that?
MofD: On the news they said that someone's dog was killed by coyotes.
Me: Oh. Well coyotes gotta eat right? What do you think they eat?
MofD: They eat the dogs? The whole body?
Me: Sometimes
MofD: Then they throw it into the volcano?
Me: Coyotes don't live near volcanoes.
MofD: Yes they do. I saw it on The News. They said that.
Sometimes it's not worth arguing over
I think I heard Brian Williams say the same thing. This kid is smart.
Tell him it's not true. I have coyotes in the woods behind my complex in CT and I can't see the nearest volcano from my deck.
Autumn have you ever told a 3 year old they're wrong?? Let me know how that works out far ya
Oh I admire you patience more and more every day:)
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